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Hanting Hotel (Shanghai Pudong Airport) (Hanting Express Shanghai Pudong Airport), 이 는 상하 이 푸 둥 신 구 화 저 우 로 (지하철 2 호선 원 동 대로 역 2 번 출구 에서 동쪽 으로 바닷가 로 에서 우회전 하면 호텔 까지 갈 수 있다) 에 위치 하고 있다.호텔 은 디즈니 에서 약 20 분 거리 에 있 고 호텔 은 상하 이 삼 갑 항 바닷가 리 조 트 에서 약 2 킬로미터 거리 로 5 분 거리 에 도착 할 수 있다.쓰 촨 샤 까지 약 10 분 거리 입 니 다. 입구 에 쓰 촨 샤 3 번 버스 가 있 습 니 다. 쓰 촨 샤 진 센터 의 백 련 과 녹지 까지 갈 수 있 습 니 다. 피렌체 오토 라 이 스 마을 에서 걸 어서 약 10 분 거리 입 니 다. 음식 과 쇼핑 이 편리 하고 비 즈 니스 출장, 레저 숙박 의 최 우선 선택 입 니 다.
호텔 객실 의 배 치 는 현대 적 이 고 간결 하 며 방 안에 완벽 하 게 배치 되 어 있 고 무료 와 이 드 밴드 가 있어 서 비 즈 니스 와 레저 를 쉽게 할 수 있 습 니 다.
그 밖 에 호텔 은 셔 틀 버스 와 지하철 2 호선 원 동 대로 서 비 스 를 제공 합 니 다. 매일 낮 12 시 부터 다음날 새벽 03 시 까지 무료 로 탑승 할 수 있 고 지하철역 (상세 한 내용 은 업 체 에 문의 하 십시오).
[자세한 소개]
호텔 FAQ
  • 이 호텔은 Pudong International Airport Shanghai 에서 얼마나 떨어져 있습니까?

    공항에서 Hanting Hotel (Shanghai Pudong Airport) 5.7km.

  • Hanting Hotel (Shanghai Pudong Airport) 은(는) 공항 셔틀을 운행합니까?

    예, 예약 후 연락 주시기 바랍니다.

  • Hanting Hotel (Shanghai Pudong Airport) 의 체크인 & 체크아웃 시간은 어떻게 되나요?

    체크인 시간은 07:00이후, 체크아웃 시간은 12:00이전.

  • Hanting Hotel (Shanghai Pudong Airport) 에 수영장과 체육관 있나요?

    아니요, 호텔에는 수영장이나 체육관이 없습니다. 수영장 및 다른 시설에 대한 상세 내용은 이 페이지에서 확인하시기 바랍니다.

  • Hanting Hotel (Shanghai Pudong Airport) 내에 레스토랑이 있나요?

    네, 호텔에서 먹을 수 있습니다.

  • Hanting Hotel (Shanghai Pudong Airport) 광대역 또는 Wi-Fi가 있습니까?

    예, 자세한 내용은 호텔 프런트 데스크에 문의하십시오.

  • Hanting Hotel (Shanghai Pudong Airport) 선불로 결제 하시겠습니까?

    저희에게 연락하기 전에 주문을 제출하십시오.

  • Hanting Hotel (Shanghai Pudong Airport) 신용카드로 결제하실 수 있으며?

    아니요, 호텔은받지 않습니다.

  • Hanting Hotel (Shanghai Pudong Airport) 의 아침 식사는 얼마입니까?

    식사 CNY18 / 사람.

  • Hanting Hotel (Shanghai Pudong Airport) 의 숙박 요금은 얼마인가요?

    집값에서 CNY264 위안이, 숙박 날짜나 호텔 정책 등에 따라 숙박 요금이 달라질 수 있습니다.

고객 후기 더
  • Aiyiyi2
    It's very close and convenient to the airport
  • e02057452
    It's quiet and convenient to travel
  • tiangaoxing329
    Very good overall, very clean
  • figosin
  • earlygoodbird
    The air conditioner or something.
    Very good. The room is very big
  • dalanmao1219
    It's normal, isn't it
  • annaleung
    Good choice
  • adcom
    It's a little noisy near the airport
  • pm1350
    The environment is good, and the sanitation is also very good. The hotel itself has no problem. It's just that the sound of the plane flying past is too loud when sleeping at night. Easy to wake up! No toiletries!
  • abs315
    In general...
  • m04587810
    The breakfast is too simple, the cost performance is average, the room is old, and the bedding is too old
  • furuxu
    Very good, very clean and hygienic
  • sacer
    It's bad. You'll know when you come
  • nasda
    Breakfast is good
  • adams982
    The big bed room is big enough. In winter, the air conditioning system is poor. There is no quilt on the bed, and there is no quilt. At night, the throat is cold and sore
  • dunntang
    Airport is near, there is pick-up service
  • lgreengod
    Good good good
  • alasdair
    There is a parking lot, very comfortable
  • love1971
    Online booking no breakfast
  • e00166517
    The breakfast is very rich, the service is very good, the shuttle is very convenient, the best store I have lived in is very clean,
  • inson_wu
    Bad comment, no hot water, no slippers, poor service, the air conditioner is cold and hot, I've got a cold, and I won't live in Hanting next time
  • massa
    Not bad. The driver is very good, and the front desk is also very good. When I left, I dropped two rings. My little sister took the initiative to mail them
  • cimi2011
    I haven't eaten breakfast. I don't know what it's like. The environment is very good
  • misangu
    It's a bit off center. There's a small parking lot at the gate. Breakfast is OK. Sanitation is OK,
  • lujing_531
    There is a small parking lot at the door. Breakfast is OK. The location is a little off track
  • yangjn
    I don't know how to describe it except poor
  • amylu_96
    I'm very satisfied with the cleanliness and tidiness of the place where I live
  • jianguo521
    I ordered it for my friend. This price is OK. Although the sound insulation effect near the airport is OK, I can sleep well. I can eat a few simple things for breakfast, and I need to pick up some toiletries from the front desk
  • e05916378
    It's very good to go out with friends. It's very close to the airport. The bus takes 15 minutes. It's free. The service is very good. It's very friendly. The room is clean. I'll choose this place next time. I recommend it. I'm satisfied
  • ericson1984
    Convenient and fast, good.
  • ami1030
    I ordered it for my friends. This price is OK. Although the sound insulation effect near the airport is OK, I sleep well. I can eat a few simple breakfast items. I need to pick up the toiletries at the front desk. It's very convenient to send them to the airport.
  • andyliuliang
    The hotel service is very good, the shuttle is very convenient, the breakfast is rich, the health is very clean, bang bang bang, every time I stay in the Pudong airport store, it's super good, and I will choose to stay in the future. The Pudong airport store feels at home, and the hotel location is very convenient
  • general1980
    Transfer booking, I feel pretty good. It's very close to the airport, very convenient. I reserved a superior big bed room. The room is quite big and clean, and the front desk service is also very good. I'm quite satisfied with it overall. I recommend it. I will continue to choose it for the next trip
  • lixbear
    Very convenient location, very good service, very good breakfast
  • roroyy
    It's very good. They sent me the charger I left behind
  • jessicacia
    The airport is quite convenient. But it was very cold in the early morning. The driver refused to turn on the air conditioner and opened the window to smoke.
  • liulei
    It's very convenient for the hotel to have a pick-up flight from the airport. The service is super good. The breakfast is very rich and clean. It's very convenient to transfer. Pudong airport store is very good
  • aadam
    The hotel is very affordable
  • e02077383
    The hotel is not bad
  • newfacegirl
    Very good, considerate service
  • Tina309
    The cost performance is very high.
  • littlebone
    The environmental health services were very good
  • imTJ36
    Every time I fly from Pudong on business, I will stay here. There is a shuttle
  • geyao0520
    The room is too noisy. The plane flies over the roof. It's very convenient to go to the airport. There's no hotel phone number. It's not central air conditioning
  • llspyll
    The service was great. The child forgot the computer when he checked in their hotel. Thank the beauty at the front desk for calling him to find the computer. Thank you very much for giving you a praise,????????????????
  • tataco
    Decoration in the morning, it's very noisy, and the room has a smell. It's too close to the airport, and it's noisy to take off and land.
  • e04462262
    Good hygiene, spacious room, good shuttle service and convenient breakfast
  • greatgreat
    There is a shuttle service available
  • jxfan
    Apply for membership card before sending
  • sunly0317
    There's no breakfast. It's 20 yuan to the airport
  • e00910832
    One price, one goods
  • e00056602
    Good living and convenient transportation
  • amandatony
    Very good service, rich breakfast, very close to the airport, very quiet sleep, very convenient shuttle, hygienic and clean
  • Iverson_A
    I stayed in the evening of the 24th. The service attitude of the two people at the front desk was very poor. They talked very horizontally and asked him any questions. They were very rude
  • e00935633
    The location of the hotel is good, the room is relatively large and the double bed is spacious. There are pick-up and drop off. It's very convenient to go to the airport. However, the sanitary facilities on the first floor are general, so they don't look very clean.
  • amorenino
    The hotel has parking spaces
  • georgenancy
    The pick-up service was very good
  • laurelyster
    Okay, okay, okay
  • mmxmmd
    Apart from being cheap, the bed is too low to feel comfortable. It's good to pick up the plane
  • Coffee cat 1008
    It's too noisy to sleep well
  • leeyuanmm
    Not bad, convenient
  • accdit
    Good location and reasonable price.
  • allen_li
    The room is dark (on the first floor) and tastes great. There is no place to eat around (only take out). The bed is hard, the light is too dark, and the plane keeps flying over the head, so the noise is quite loud
  • beeby4517
    Quite satisfied with my friends
  • maomao1
    Very good, very quiet
  • andyliu1987
    It's a little remote. It's hard to take a taxi
  • e01179890
    No extra bed. Breakfast is OK
  • wingyun
    Check in in the middle of the night, the front desk service attitude is very good, the hygiene is OK, but I don't know why there are mosquitoes... But the amazing thing is that the mosquito didn't bite me?? There's a charge for delivery. Generally speaking, it's OK
    There's a parking lot. It's okay
  • office110_2000
    There are many mosquitoes and the service attitude is very good
  • E05804153
    We are very satisfied.
  • cl821105
    It's a great hotel,
  • e00217598
    It's very good. It's unexpected that such a small hotel has breakfast. It's very convenient to eat and shop nearby. It's even more convenient to go to the airport by 10 minutes' drive. I'll check in next time
  • l182302
    Bad comments. I don't recommend that you come to this hotel. It's fried to death at night. The plane flies past and doesn't say anything. There's always a little noise at night. One time, this sound and another sound make people sleep hard. We booked the airport bus and said to get on at 4 o'clock. As a result, we arrived at the lower bus six minutes in advance. We still had to call the driver to stop, I almost missed it. I fainted. I don't want to live in this store in the future. It's too noisy
  • cissy5
    After staying all night, I feel good!
  • julius0930
    The plane at 5 a.m. is desolate nearby. It has no other advantages except that there is a delivery car. It's very noisy to sleep at night. It's full of blood the next day
  • deepsee
    Breakfast was ok, regular
  • catesisi
    It's OK, but it's a little remote